Thursday 6 September 2012

uploading files using php

The term upload means moving file from one computer to another computer .But when we takes it in consideration with php all is that a file is being moved from one location to another location.
Following easy Steps will upload the file easily....
Checking whether the server supports uploads-:This first check you must done before you start coding for the uploading files using php .For checking this you just need phpinfo() on your server  .Find file_uploads in the core section ,if it is already on then we are ready to go.

Php configuration settings hat effects the file uploads-:

Directive                                   Default value                             Description
Max_execution_time()                30                  This is the maximum no of seconds  for
which a script can run. If takes longer then it generates fatal error 
max _input_time()                     60                    The maximum no o seconds a php scripts ys
allowed to pars $_Post and $_get array.
Post_max_size                          8MB                The maximum permitted size of all Post
Upload_temp_dir()                                           This is the file where php stores temporary files unless it is moved to other place.
Upload_max_file_size   2MB                            The maximum permitted file size to upload is 2MB

Adding upload file field using HTML-:  It is very easy to create a upload file interface.
<form action=”” method=”post/get” enctype=”multipart/form-data” id=”imageupload”>

<lable for =”image”>Image upload</lable>
<input type=”file” name=”image” id=”image” >
<input type=”submit” name=”upload” id=”upload” value=”upload” >


Use  following Simple file upload code in the action file:-


if (isset($_POST['upload']))//check whether the post array is set or not.
// define the path to the upload folder
$destination = '/path/to/upload_test/';
// move the file to the upload folder and rename it
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $destination.
$ FILES['image']['name']);
This is the simplest and easiest code for uploading a file using php. A lot more functionality can be added to this code such as increasing the max file size by MAX_FILE_SIZE.and also can be checked for the only permitted types of file uploads by simple conditional statement

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